Saturday, November 22, 2008


Anyways guys I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I thought that after the exams I would be a free bird, but it turns out that I still have a 'leg' attached to my 'cage' if you get what I mean.

But nooooo, I had testS (notice that its in plural form) and that speech thingy. Mustafa managed to lure me into joining it haha screw you man!!! but Alhamdulillah I've gone through to the finals although I was shaking like a vibrator during the qualifying session this afternoon haha. I'm so screwed on Wednesday!

Bah bah I'll give you guys a real update soon! I haven't been on the net a lot lately you know. I haven't even talked to me bestbud Nadzri for quite a while now, haha I miss ya you asswhipe! 

I'm off for a short nap now!

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