But oiii I'm not trying to shoo away the Raya spirit or anything haha. There are quite a number of open houses this weekend too given that its a long weekend (saturday's a public holiday, baru ku tau tadi hahaha). I'm not good with numbers but I think I have more open houses invites this week compared to last week. Anyways, kalau kan beraya to my place just inform me in advance alright. It's rather easy to navigate your way to my house. You see, my house is supposed to be 'No.250', without a simpang number, simply because we don't have a junction (simpang) leading to our house cos its literally next to the main road. A few months ago, a signboard saying 'Simpang250' was erected right beside our main gate. JKR sure has a sense of humour....So how is it going to be? Picture me calling Pizza Hut for a delivery:
Pizza Hut: 'Pizza Hut Delivery, your address sir?'
Me: 'Simpang 250, Kg. blabla Jalan yadayadayada'
Pizza Hut: 'Simpang 250, no. brapa sir?'
Me: 'No number'
Pizza Hut: 'Sir, we need your house number'
Me: 'Nadaaaaaaaa they took it away from us'
Sigh, giving people directions to my house has never been easy. Its quite ironic since my house is located just beside the main road haha.
Anyways, as for the exams, have you ever ran out of time for your paper? If you're like me, check out this video =p
p/s: to zimo, upload kan pictures masa open house c fids! or nanti aku minta dari kau aite =p haha
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