Sorry guys I havent been updating much of late! I've been quite busy due to the exams and yes the raya is mood is still in ze air although it's starting to subside already. I'm kind of short of time here...soo ill make it short and simple aite!
I went out raya-ing on saturday with Izzati and some other friends. Firstly we went to AJ's open house, then to my house and then zoomed off to Zati's house. After the maghrib prayers I went off with Zati and her sisters to Cigu Noraini's open house. I met lots of my ex-teachers and some ex-schoolmates and it was nice catching up with them once again. Such is the essence of Aidilfitri ey? haha. It was quite a long day (I had golf in the morning) and by the end of the day I was so tired that I snoozed off for awhile while listening to Zati and the others karaoke-ing! Yeah it might not seem a lot but I had tonss of fun! It was awesome seeing Zati again =) For a more detailed account of what happened, click here.
Meanwhile somewhere in Kg. Tungku..
My family has this sort of weekly gathering thingy every Saturday night at my grandmother's house where we have mass prayers and dinner together. Obviously I had to skip last week's gathering (and the previous few weeks lol) and my dad told me the next morning that they had a blast viewing some old ancient 'stone-age' pictures of my family. And with a cheeky grin he also told me that...they played loads of fireworks! Of all the nights, it just had to be that night haha. But hey I had a blast myself so I've no regrets ;)
P/S: Pictures were taken from my family's blog. Credits to my cousin Hazim for keeping the blog well and alive! Keep up the good work eh. Nantitah aku tolong kau ah lapas my exams habis aite man =D
Until then guys!
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