First day of Raya, as usual was spent with family and close relatives. Well the day started off slowly until my cousin Hazim had an open house and yeah, played fireworks and stuff. The fireworks continued until we had another gathering in my grandmother's house that same night. Sorry for the lack of pictures though. Maybe arah Hazim's blog or my family (TheApongs) blog ada some pictures tu.
2nd day of Raya: So after golf in the morning, I went out with Arun in the afternoon. He came just after the friday prayers, sporting a new haircut. After grabbing a few snacks and drinks at my house (nadadeh beraya wah), off we went to...
Cigu Husaini's house! One helluva teacher. Funny as crap haha, not to mention...kuning lol. But really he's a really great teacher. Apparently he's still a die-hard Liverpool fan and since Arun's a Liverpool fan too, I got bullied. But Cigu Husaini was nice enough to cook up some TomYam especially for me and Arun so we were kinda obliged to eat lah. Caught up on a lot of stuffs, twas really nice.

Cikgu Husaini
Let me introduce to you one of my most bangang yet naturally funny friend, Qamaruzzzzzzzaman. Qamarul for short. Marul for shorter. But we usually call him Rul. Even a glimpse of his face makes you giggle. It's hard to explain, but you know almost everything he does is funny in a way. We went to his house to pick him up, tarus beraya. And finally, he shaved lol.

Then we decided to pay Cikgu Rokiah, our Malay Teacher during our Form4 and 5 years, a visit. We actually hesitated to come out of the car when we arrived in her compound since we saw lots of guests. But hey we found out that the visitors were actually our juniors back in PDS haha. So it made everything that much more fun. It was great to see them again!

Oh meet Cuddles. He's this super fluffy cat that acts like a king inside Cikgu Rokiah's house. He's well-kept and just lies on top of the sofa motionless which makes him look like a pillow when seen from the back! Pemalas eh, reminds me of my myself haha. I remember him from last year's Raya, but I thought his name wasn't Cuddles back then. Oh well..We got along quite well last year masa Raya but it tried to scratch me tadi. That's it mate I no friend you anymore.

Then off we went to Lina's open house which was quite close to where Cikgu Rokiah lives so yeah. Thanks Lina for being such a nice and sporty host (I'm serious!). But you didn't have to tell your mom that I was the guy that she *cough* haha..I can just say your mom's very nice too =p
We met Wafiuddin, Jesus and KI there too.

Leenuh, Arun and Marul
For the last stop we went to Hafiz 'Mesra's' house. Well it was a last minute plan pulang. Qamarul gave him a call and it took him 3 minutes just to take in the Simpang number lol. After getting lost in god-knows-where, Arun pulled over, gave Hafiz a call and put it on the loudspeaker.
Arun: 'hey dude its Arun. Mana your house kan? We're in the petrol station in front of Huaho Sengkurong now'
Hafiz: 'Ahh..there? bah you go straight lah'
Arun: 'Straight? Straight where? Straight is Huaho Sengkurong'
It went on for quite a long time lah, until we finally made sense of his directions haha. For some reason, Hafiz kept saying 'straight straight straight' , it was like he was trying to prove his sexual orientation or something haha. We eventually reached his house, thank god. By the time we got there Arun was dying to take a piss.
Arun: 'Fiz mana toilet?'
Hafiz: 'Straight *but he was pointing to the left*'
After sending Qamarul back home and on the way to my house, Arun and I decided to take a slight detour to take a first-hand look at the new form sixth centre in Kg. Katok that everyone's been talking about of late. Here are some (lousy) pictures that I took.
It looked bigger than I thought!