I'll start with yesterday. I had a last minute plan with Fatin and Arun to go out. Yeah, we were VERY bored. It was such a last-minute plan, that we had not planned anything besides a movie at 2.30pm. But it was still 11.30 and there we were, in my garage thinking of where to go haha. So we decided to head off to PTEB and maybe persuade some of our old classmates there to catch a movie with us. And we managed to drag Amali and Tan. After stopping by for a pitstop in Amali's house for him to change his clothes, went off for the movie. Yadayadayada...the movie was alright. Sad and funny at the same time haha.
I had to go home for sungkai as I had tuition later that night. Thanks Arun for the ride back home!
Arif and I got nominated for this Japan education trip thingy on Saturday just after our Thinking Skills exam, together with another guy. But since all of us are sitting for the Math AS level this November and it clashes with the dates, we were instantly scrapped off this list. Sigh...That ruined my mood after a rather satisfying exam paper haha.
Oh here are some pictures from the beach party I promised a good one month ago! See, I keep my promises hahaha *cough*
I'm dying of boredom...hahaha
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