Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Raya =/
Ramadhan ---> Syawal
Selamat Hari Raya =)
Maaf Zahir & Batin
P/S: Kalau ada open house atu, bagitau ah?! haha. And oh, Happy 19th Birthday Milcah! :) I hope you have a blast there. I'll see you when you get back here!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Long Time Overdue
The time in brunei was amazing. Honestly at first i kinda felt un happy and stuf. i couldnt meet up with my friends much coz kamu slalu busy hahaha so yea was pretty boring. but when it kicked off it got better. i thank you all for entertaining me. i might have been quite a burden butyea i htank u all sooo much. after it kicked off i then remmembered why i missed brunei sooooo fucking much. its u guys tht i missed alot. special thanks to WANA ISMADI for setting things up alot. im sorie for the trouble but i hope ud do it again hahaha suf thanks u too. the beach party was amazing and so was the bouncer party hahaha fun as shit. which is a good thing btw haha u guys made my summer amazing. not getting to see u guys alot has it bad times but it makes me appreciate the time we spend together soooo much more. its jst amazing how u guys could tolerate a bum like me and its very touching hahaha thanks to all of you for making my time in brunei simply outstanding. and also special thanks to those who came to the airport sending me off and also to those who even thot about coming and not being able to go. even if it was only a thot i still apreciate it hahaha it must have been difficult for u guys to come to the airport during a school day and stuff and me being late also kinda messes it up abit lol but yea thanks alot emah wana dayah qawiy and last but not least one of my fucking bestestest bros anak si kassim si hanis lol apreciate it alot guys. ima be back on the 24th only for a week though so i dun want u guys to stress too much though i wont let u guys be busy coz i wana see u guys hahaha if u guys have been readin till now i jst wana say thanks again and i miss u all alot. people here dun see wats so fun about brunei (not bein able to drink/club and shit like tht, not tht i drink btw) but the reason of tht is tht they dun have frens like u guys to celebrate ur presence u noe hahaha so yea the thing tht makes brunei most special is family and friends tht i have there. families amazing and i miss them alot. i fight alot with most of them specially my sisters but then living alone i have to admit i miss them alot. never ask to live alone ur gona miss ur family alot and also doing laundry/dishes/cooking/cleaning all sucks like hell. my house is kinda dirty 5 days of the week but i clean it during weekends or before people might come. not includin close frens hahahaha never wrote this much before 500 words i think daym wish i could write this much for hw and shit lol but yea i only work hard for things that matter to me hahaha owh yea i also wana say hai to two people iv jst got aquainted with haha who im pretty sure is a regular reader of sufs blogs hahaha zy and fatin was cool to get to noe u guys hahaha alll in all all u guys are amazing and thank you so much for making my summer full of great memories and a wonderful experience so thank you guys i noe iv sed it alot but i jst cant say it enuf to emphasize it so yea thank you so much. take care all see u soon thanks again =)
Anyways for some reason I felt really mean and high that day so my main victim was Wanna! We were basically bullying each other from 6-8.30 lol. Kesian eh, sorry yeah wanzieeezzzz. I was kinda high with Amali too. And no Tin, I'm not becoming vain-er hahaha. Amali and I were being clowns and couldn't stop laughing haha twas great fun!

After both Amali and Fatin went home, we followed Ina to Seri Q-lap mall cos someone *cough* wanted to try out the arcade there. I was the only guy left so my malu-ness kicked in..NOT. All of the girls had to go home by 8, except for Wanna. So I tried to force her to stay with me:
Wanna: 'Suf kau balik pukul brapa?'
Me: 'Entah mana saja. bah at 9 tah'
Wanna: 'But I told my sis at 8.30 sudah'
Me: 'Eh tell her to pick you up at 9~'
Wanna: 'Inda..8.30 saja ah'
Me: '9'
Wanna: '8.30'
Me: '9!'
Wanna: '8.30!'
Me: '8.45! Take it or leave it!'
Wanna: 'eh wtf! hahaha 8.30!'
Then I kinda gave up and shut my piehole for quite awhile while the girls went window shopping. I was just tagging along and doing nothing, except bullying Wanna lah. Yes inda jadi masuk the 'arcade' haha. Then:
Wanna: 'eh boreng eh, theres nothing to do here'
Me: 'Yea iatahkan...bah 8.15!'
Wanna: 'Sudah atu~ hahaha'
P/S: Thanks Fatin for the pictures! Proceed to her and Izzati's blog. More pictures and a more detailed description of everything =p
Friday, September 26, 2008
Lemme talk about Formula1! You know, lumba krita wah. The love for Formula1 runs throughout my family, both my dad's and mom's side. No no not just the males, the ladies too. And yes there's that much-anticipated SingTel Singapore Grand Prix held this weekend. Not only it will be the first street race in Asia, it'll also be the first night race ever.
I remember when my family and I were in Singapore back in June where a taxi driver made fun of the Singaporean Grand Prix.
Taxi driver: 'You come from where?'
Dad: 'Brunei...is it going to be busy around here in September, you know the *interrupted*'
Taxi driver: 'Haiyaaa! You want to watch the car racing ka? NO NO! You go back lah dun come one. Vellllyyy expensive. Everything also expensive one. Fuel expensive, tax expensive haiya. You Bruneians so lucky ah fuel so cheap, then no tax! That hotel ah *points*, the cheapest $5000 a nite during the race. All fully booked one!'

So, why is it held at night?
I'm no smartass but I've read that the main factor is to give European viewers a comfortable time to watch the race, since apparently most of the avid Formula1 fans are, well, Europeans. The race will start at 1200 GMT a.k.a 8pm local time so it should be in the afternoon for them. This will in turn boost TV ratings and generate money for Formula1, and its big boss, the multi-billionaire Mr. Bernie Ecclestone. By the way, 'Formula1' is actually a company. He's already warned that if the Malaysian and Australian Grand Prix don't run their races at night by the next few years, its byebye for them.
Ok ok I don't want to bore you with all this crap. But just for your info, I'm a big Ferrari fan. Yeah I can smell lots of McLaren fans haha.
Motorcar racing's pretty much a glamorous sport too. Minutes before the start of every Grand Prix, superstars, actors, singers and VIP's are seen roaming around the pitlane and circuit, mingling with one another. So don't be surprised if you happen to see Phua Chu Kang roaming around the pitlane.
Speaking of glamour, Michael Schumacher was given a $7million dollar home by Dubai’s crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. It's not just an ordinary multi-million dollar home, its actually an island, an island which is part of one of the many ambitious projects Dubai is setting up nowadays. The World, as it is called, is an archipelago of 300 man-made islands laid out to represent the countries of the world. Schumi got a piece of 'antarctica'. Click here to learn more about it.

Motorsports aint the biggest thing in Brunei is it? Its definitely due to the lack of proper facilities over here. Well I'm sure its not due to the lack of interest, I mean come on, the local die hard go-kart enthusiasts have to go all the way to Miri just to race or even train. Why not we use all the money collected from those illegal racing, and build a decent circuit where we can put all those illegal steet racers, to finally legally race. Maybe we could spot a worthy racing talent or two you know.
Oh I'll be breaking my fast in capers tonight. Wanna and her big-ass camera will be there so expect some pictures soon=p
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tag I'm it
3 golden rules:
- state 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
- The people I tag are then to carry out these survey as well.
- No tagbacks
1. I tend to squint a lot, especially when the sun's rays are quite strong.
2. I believe I lose more weight when I sleep a lot rather than when I work out or do cardio exercise a lot.
3. When I put my arms and legs next to each other, their contrasting skin tones make them look as if it's a zebra crossing.
4. The fingers on my left hand are slightly longer and thinner.
5. I can move both my ears, both my eyebrows, the bones on my knuckles. I'm still working on my tongue though.
6. 75% of the time, I wake up with my legs resting on my pillow and my head resting on the edge of the bed, sometimes hanging. So I counter it by going to sleep backwards so I'll wake up with my head on the pillow instead.
7. I love cooking but I don't like to bake.
8. My average shower time is 7 minutes. No, it doesn't include brushing my teeth or all those other activities you do inside the bathroom.
9. I usually sleep 3-5 hours during the weekdays then retreat and hibernate for 12 hours or more during the weekends.
10. I don't like durians.
11. I don't like subjects with lots of numbers. I much prefer essay type or structured questions.
12. The older I get, the 'cooler' I think it is to hang out with my own family. I mean I enjoy family gatherings/outings more nowadays.
13. My right sideburn grows significantly faster than my left.
14. I used to prefer to have heaps of friends that I don't necessarily know well of. Nowadays I keep a smaller, but much much tighter circle of friends :)
15. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime and almost on command.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My lovely PC
Ok it was partly my fault for being a nitwit and endlessly delaying backing-up my precious files. Well I had an excuse. I had almost 10GB of what I deem as 'precious files' a.k.a pictures, videos, documents from the yesteryears and I only have a 4GB pendrive and another 1GB pendrive. My dad's external hard drive is almost full. I've been out almost everyday lately so I keep forgetting to ask my mom and my sister for help on that. Lots of memories lost there, sighhhh. Not to mention, a lil bit of songs too. Big sighh..no, big shittttt. I'll just try to gather back all my lost pictures and videos from friends nanti.
Then when I tried to switch on my PC this evening, the dreaded 'blue screen' popped up. The 'blue screen' is the equivalent of a death curse, in PC terminology. So obviously I had no other choice but to reformat the whole system. And currently my desktop looks so..empty. Looks so naked haha.
Where have I been the last few days?
Honestly, I find it hard myself to recall. I've been out quite a lot that I get the dates tangled up a bit haha. You know holidays are here when that happens right.
BUT, I won't ever forget Saturday. Ask Arun =p He's an ice cool guy and thus its hard to tell whether he's high or not. And apparently on Saturday, he was high, very high. Kicking a bowling ball, doing multiple rounds in a roundabout and last but not least, letting his car fly (yes literally) and almost hitting a guy. Yes it was scary but I swear it was funny =p and thrilling lol. And all of that came without warning.
'I can't believe I was that stupid' -words from Arun 30 minutes after our stunt. It's okay man, Amali and I had fun too. Once in a lifetime kan? But you better go back there and apologize to that guy lol kdin. So guys, if you happen to pass by that bumpy downhill old road on top of a hill in chempaka, don't step on the gas ok? haha. I just wish that Arun had warned me earlier so I could take a video of that ride =p
Anyways, happy belated birthday to Amin. Thanks for sungkai yesterday min. And happy advanced birthday to dayah!
P/S: I promised Fatin that I would create a facebook account (yeah like, finally) and I just did. So guys, add me up. And please tell me how to use it because I really have no clue whatsoever! haha
And oh yeah, happy teachers day!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Apongs
A week ago my fraternal cousins and I came up with the idea of making a family blog with us cousins contributing, with the help from one of our aunts who's currently overseas. Anyways click here to go the website!
That should keep you guys busy while I self-destruct (reformat) my retarded PC.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I'll start with yesterday. I had a last minute plan with Fatin and Arun to go out. Yeah, we were VERY bored. It was such a last-minute plan, that we had not planned anything besides a movie at 2.30pm. But it was still 11.30 and there we were, in my garage thinking of where to go haha. So we decided to head off to PTEB and maybe persuade some of our old classmates there to catch a movie with us. And we managed to drag Amali and Tan. After stopping by for a pitstop in Amali's house for him to change his clothes, went off for the movie. Yadayadayada...the movie was alright. Sad and funny at the same time haha.
I had to go home for sungkai as I had tuition later that night. Thanks Arun for the ride back home!
Arif and I got nominated for this Japan education trip thingy on Saturday just after our Thinking Skills exam, together with another guy. But since all of us are sitting for the Math AS level this November and it clashes with the dates, we were instantly scrapped off this list. Sigh...That ruined my mood after a rather satisfying exam paper haha.
Oh here are some pictures from the beach party I promised a good one month ago! See, I keep my promises hahaha *cough*
I'm dying of boredom...hahaha
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
I present to you....
nTox|c8d - says:
oi are u there?
hazim matali says:
nTox|c8d - says:
kau mau increase your blog readers?
hazim matali says:
hazim matali says:
nTox|c8d - says:
say yes or no hahaha
nTox|c8d - says:
there's this new method
nTox|c8d - says:
balum ku cuba pulang
hazim matali says:
ko cuba dulu
nTox|c8d - says:
mana dapat, i cant increase aku punya own blog punya readers
nTox|c8d - says:
tapi i can increase others punya
nTox|c8d - says:
bah cuba lah, nada rugi jua haha
hazim matali says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
ill show you
Jangan marah jim! =D