All of that translates to fatigue and causes me to sleep more..which you really can't afford to do when you have piles of homeworks. I think i slept 18 hours on friday.
Minus the hour or so taken to perform the friday prayers, its kinda obvious that I wasnt being productive on that day haha.
"A day in the life of yours truly" (i wish)
Oh and about ECA's, its giving me a headache. My first choice, by a mile, was making it into the debate team. But there was this messed up thing that happened, not gona go into it though haha. So now I'm in badminton and choir. I wana join the UN Global Conference Club too, i hope i can persuade Emah to join the club as well (evil look). I think the wide range of ECA choices is making me constantly question my ECA choices. oh well...
For some reason, I feel excited. I have this feeling which sorts of replicates the excitement that you get when holidays are nearby. I think I'm excited about the upcoming tests!...NOT.
My mom's off to Spore tomorrow for a working visit, BUT she's not promising me lots of stuffs from there:/ haha im kidding, its no big deal. She has an intensive itinerary to follow, so im not expecting anything. Its understandable. Plus, we're going there this june anyway haha.
There's this blood donation thingy on the 17th of April that I'm looking forward to join. Its been quite some time since Ive had a needle inside of me. One of my aunts is an ex-nurse and I remember her talking about this. Donating blood.
She said she has seen people who had just donated blood fainting.
She was laughing when she said that (she's always laughing anyway) but I dont think she was joking. They usually take a pint of blood out of you, so I guess what my aunt said is believable.
Ahh, I told you I'm gona die soon lol
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