Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rain rain go away...

As you all know, Brunei hasnt seen much of the sun lately. Its been like this for like what, a week? 10 days? Im dead bored now and not feeling too good, and blurting out my random thoughts sometimes cheers me up.

Most of you probably know that weather affects our mood. For the past week, my mom comes back from work saying that the weather is making her feel 'gloomy'. Strangely, I'm the one who's feeling 'gloomy' in this house. My mom's sort of cheerful tia pulang. Well its not that im complaining though.

So that's why the weather's been crappy...

Temperature affects the hypothalamus, that part of the brain that serves as the body's thermostat. Sunlight alters the balance of hormones. Changes in humidity and barometric pressure lead to changes in blood flow and the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.

As a rule of thumb, a beautiful sunshine-filled day tends to make you, well..happy. And the kind of 'gloomy' weather Brunei's been experiencing for the past week or so, tends to make you 'gloomy' too i guess. Im a living testament to that statement haha. But nothing beats the shit out of us like a hot, humid day can.

I was planning to get a haircut today, but nyehhh. Not today, at least. As i said, 'gloomy' haha.

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