Monday, February 4, 2008

Boredom strikes again

Here are two simple rules:
1) Copy and then Answer the questions, if you're tagged
2) Tag other blogger buddies! (as many as you want)

===So let's get to know each other a LITTLE better===

Tell me your real name
Yusof Fadli Bin Hj Sidek

Your nickname(s)
Suf, Soap, Kambing, Sup, Sup kambing, Sup tulang, and so on

Most weird name you were called
I dont know, maybe manwhore? haha

How about the most annoying?
Padeli (a modification of my second name) by my sis. haha ive to admit its quite funny tho lol

Your sex

Your sexuality

Your Birthdate
27th November 1990

Your sign

Your current location
Home sweet home

Tell us about your lineage
My dad's a Malay, has some javanese ancestors i think. My mom's a Chinese Hokkien.

Your ethinicity

Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?

College (soon-to-be) lol

What subjects or course are you taking?
Maths, Physics, Eco and TS

What's your occupation?
Student and everyone's clown

Do you drive?
Not really haha. soon though =)

Legally or illegally?

Do you smoke?
Never did, never will

What is/are your fear(s)?
God, losing someone I truly care for =)

Honestly, do you think you're attractive?
Ask someone else lol

Academically, im alright. Generally, im a tad clumsy i suppose lol

Yeah sort of =p

What is/are your most over-used expressions?
"baie" and "antam". Currently Im adding "cibai" to the list too haha

What about your most over-used pose?
I pose naturally =p 

Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
Ten years?! I dont know, is Jessica Alba 10 years older than I am? haha kding, dont think so =) 5 years would be okay i think.

Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
Mid-long length wavy hair hahaha. And a sweet smile would'nt hurt :)

Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
The usual ones haha, smart, funny and caring =) A cute story-teller. Super party-girls turn me off btw haha.

Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
Hahaha now this I dont know. Some friends say I have nice pectorals lol! Non physical? Err..The ability to get along and interact with different kinds of people.
And also the ability to make people laugh, or at the very least, smile =D

Okay! DONE! Now list out the people you want to tag! - let 'em know if you want them to answer.
- Everyone I know, and if u dont have a blog, GET ONE hahaha=p

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