Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Its been a while since nadzri or I have posted anything here yeah?
Well holidays officially ended on monday, with the start of the (boring) MD orientation. I mean, four days of ass-flattening? Sitting down doing nothing. We had to listen to stuffs that were just repeated from the college guide book given to us earlier. They could have made the orientation shorter had they skipped some unnecessary details. I know the PTEB orientation was much better=/ To those concerned, sorry for the criticism. There's always room for improvement right? (In this case, there's a bloody huge 'room for improvement') haha. anywaysss..
Thank god i had the wackiest bunch of guys sitting around me for those 4 days. Some of them are my old friends, a couple of them are new dudes. We laughed most of the time hahaha.
We were pulling practical jokes on each other way before we knew each other's names. Cool guys, cool guys...
I dont really have anything much to say right now. Something's nagging my mind :/
A fun filled day tmorrow is in store for me I guess. Goin golfing in the morning, and ive a debate practice session in the afternoon. Well till then..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Rain rain go away...
As you all know, Brunei hasnt seen much of the sun lately. Its been like this for like what, a week? 10 days? Im dead bored now and not feeling too good, and blurting out my random thoughts sometimes cheers me up.
Most of you probably know that weather affects our mood. For the past week, my mom comes back from work saying that the weather is making her feel 'gloomy'. Strangely, I'm the one who's feeling 'gloomy' in this house. My mom's sort of cheerful tia pulang. Well its not that im complaining though.

So that's why the weather's been crappy...
Temperature affects the hypothalamus, that part of the brain that serves as the body's thermostat. Sunlight alters the balance of hormones. Changes in humidity and barometric pressure lead to changes in blood flow and the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.
As a rule of thumb, a beautiful sunshine-filled day tends to make you, well..happy. And the kind of 'gloomy' weather Brunei's been experiencing for the past week or so, tends to make you 'gloomy' too i guess. Im a living testament to that statement haha. But nothing beats the shit out of us like a hot, humid day can.
I was planning to get a haircut today, but nyehhh. Not today, at least. As i said, 'gloomy' haha.
Most of you probably know that weather affects our mood. For the past week, my mom comes back from work saying that the weather is making her feel 'gloomy'. Strangely, I'm the one who's feeling 'gloomy' in this house. My mom's sort of cheerful tia pulang. Well its not that im complaining though.

So that's why the weather's been crappy...
Temperature affects the hypothalamus, that part of the brain that serves as the body's thermostat. Sunlight alters the balance of hormones. Changes in humidity and barometric pressure lead to changes in blood flow and the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.
As a rule of thumb, a beautiful sunshine-filled day tends to make you, well..happy. And the kind of 'gloomy' weather Brunei's been experiencing for the past week or so, tends to make you 'gloomy' too i guess. Im a living testament to that statement haha. But nothing beats the shit out of us like a hot, humid day can.
I was planning to get a haircut today, but nyehhh. Not today, at least. As i said, 'gloomy' haha.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Naz and I
Me and Naz had a panat conversation on MSN the other night. Haha Ill copy paste our dialogue that she just posted on her blog=p
Topic: Nothing and Anger.
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
its nothingggg
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
angry kah? :/
nTox|c8d - not here says:
and what is that nothing about?
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
*backs away
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
that nothing is about nothing
nTox|c8d - not here says:
no lah..not angry to you or about you
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
and yea, knapa marah eh
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
what does that nothing concern about
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
well what does ur anger concern about =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
eh seems that we love each other a lot dont we=p
(HAHA do you know how laughable that line is. HAHA. OUT much.)
Topic: New school shoes for the new lower six-er.
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
stereotype shoes atu plg tu
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
for stereotype guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
wuteber =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
jealousy is a weakness me love..
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
*spits out*
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
HAHAH the heck?
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
*kicks =_=
Topic: Books
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nadadeh my parents read them, i just take a peek arh the laughter section
nTox|c8d - not here says:
u think i wud read that?!
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
i read thick fat books and global issues articles
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
over my dead body!
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
oh okay
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ur weird
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
manada weird
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
thick books = *___* awesome
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
Topic: english
nTox|c8d - not here says:
mana tau kan serenade a girl..
nTox|c8d - not here says:
bawa dictionary
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
misusing the english language
nTox|c8d - not here says:
girl you are oh so *pauses flicks thru dictionary*
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
as my speech said..'i find it more romantic to speak english to girls'
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
u'll prolly be remembered for that
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
the media recognises that line HAHHA
nTox|c8d - not here says:
i hope i still possess the melting factor
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
yea yea yea=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
HAHAHAH kau adakan?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
tedangar my voice lagi kau melt dulu...
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
(HAHA sensored.)
Topic: lawan akhir tidur
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ive been sleeping at 6 nowadays *hinthint*
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
kan lawan ni
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
6 lapas subuh bah
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
aku kalah plg ni tho
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
i just miss vs. ing you =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
Topic: relationships
nTox|c8d - not here says:
why not?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
why not ur type?=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
dude, if i had a boyfriend, u'd be on of the 1st people I would tell first
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
kalau ada scandal, ill be one of the last to know?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
Topic: Nazz's taste in guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
oh i forgot u have a weird taste in guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
does that mean ur one of thoseweird people? =p aku dulu had that minute crush kaliah
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
if u had a normal taste
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ull have a huge crush
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
bangga ko aku suka kau dulu ah
nTox|c8d - not here says:
happy valentines day=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
Happy Valentines Day =p
(yes yes, I love you too. ;p)
Topic: dumb.
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road.says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
whatabt him xp
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
my way of saying ur dumb
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
the sarcastic way to call me dumb, kan?
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
u sense the sarcastic tone????
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
it's got sarcasm written all over it /apa
nTox|c8d - says:
im not a sarcastic guy..
nTox|c8d - says:
i am
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
like an arrow
nTox|c8d - says:
to ur heart
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
cut that
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
crazy git, HAHAHA serial heart killer
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
a heartbreaker?
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
was that suppose to mean, heart break or heart woo-er? xp
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
i prefer heart woo-er
nTox|c8d - says:
Topic: Nothing and Anger.
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
its nothingggg
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
angry kah? :/
nTox|c8d - not here says:
and what is that nothing about?
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
*backs away
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
that nothing is about nothing
nTox|c8d - not here says:
no lah..not angry to you or about you
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
and yea, knapa marah eh
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
what does that nothing concern about
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
well what does ur anger concern about =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
eh seems that we love each other a lot dont we=p
(HAHA do you know how laughable that line is. HAHA. OUT much.)
Topic: New school shoes for the new lower six-er.
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
stereotype shoes atu plg tu
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
for stereotype guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
wuteber =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
jealousy is a weakness me love..
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
*spits out*
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
HAHAH the heck?
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
*kicks =_=
Topic: Books
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nadadeh my parents read them, i just take a peek arh the laughter section
nTox|c8d - not here says:
u think i wud read that?!
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
i read thick fat books and global issues articles
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
over my dead body!
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
oh okay
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ur weird
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
manada weird
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
thick books = *___* awesome
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
Topic: english
nTox|c8d - not here says:
mana tau kan serenade a girl..
nTox|c8d - not here says:
bawa dictionary
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
misusing the english language
nTox|c8d - not here says:
girl you are oh so *pauses flicks thru dictionary*
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
as my speech said..'i find it more romantic to speak english to girls'
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
u'll prolly be remembered for that
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
the media recognises that line HAHHA
nTox|c8d - not here says:
i hope i still possess the melting factor
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
yea yea yea=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
HAHAHAH kau adakan?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
tedangar my voice lagi kau melt dulu...
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
(HAHA sensored.)
Topic: lawan akhir tidur
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ive been sleeping at 6 nowadays *hinthint*
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
kan lawan ni
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
6 lapas subuh bah
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
aku kalah plg ni tho
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
i just miss vs. ing you =p
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
Topic: relationships
nTox|c8d - not here says:
why not?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
why not ur type?=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
dude, if i had a boyfriend, u'd be on of the 1st people I would tell first
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
kalau ada scandal, ill be one of the last to know?
nTox|c8d - not here says:
Topic: Nazz's taste in guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
oh i forgot u have a weird taste in guys
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
does that mean ur one of thoseweird people? =p aku dulu had that minute crush kaliah
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
if u had a normal taste
nTox|c8d - not here says:
ull have a huge crush
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
bangga ko aku suka kau dulu ah
nTox|c8d - not here says:
happy valentines day=p
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
nTox|c8d - not here says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
./ nazz. - esehh /Isee says:
Happy Valentines Day =p
(yes yes, I love you too. ;p)
Topic: dumb.
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road.says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
whatabt him xp
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
my way of saying ur dumb
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
the sarcastic way to call me dumb, kan?
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
u sense the sarcastic tone????
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
it's got sarcasm written all over it /apa
nTox|c8d - says:
im not a sarcastic guy..
nTox|c8d - says:
i am
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
like an arrow
nTox|c8d - says:
to ur heart
nTox|c8d - says:
nTox|c8d - says:
cut that
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
crazy git, HAHAHA serial heart killer
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
a heartbreaker?
nTox|c8d - says:
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
was that suppose to mean, heart break or heart woo-er? xp
./ nazz. - simplicity was abandoned a few hundred miles back down the road. says:
nTox|c8d - says:
i prefer heart woo-er
nTox|c8d - says:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
This post is dedicated to my good bud Jeng who's off to Brisbane to further his studies. He just went off to Spore though to do some last minute shopping.
He's the guy who usually teases me about my lack of knowledge in chinese languages. He's the guy who made the word 'cibai' one of my favourite words.
He's also one of the very few guys I share my problems with...

And apparently, he doesnt like taking pictures haha
We went out a few days ago together with Fatin, Zati and Baiti but unfortunately I dont have any pictures of it. I think she does (looks down)

Tin I know you're an avid reader of this blog=p so nanti online, send me some of the pictures you took on monday ah please? =)
ps: sorry for the lack of posts, I havent been really feeling well lately.
haha till next time then!
He's the guy who usually teases me about my lack of knowledge in chinese languages. He's the guy who made the word 'cibai' one of my favourite words.
He's also one of the very few guys I share my problems with...

And apparently, he doesnt like taking pictures haha
We went out a few days ago together with Fatin, Zati and Baiti but unfortunately I dont have any pictures of it. I think she does (looks down)

Tintun (Fatin)
ps: sorry for the lack of posts, I havent been really feeling well lately.
haha till next time then!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Got blue eyes? We know your ancestor haha
I came across this article which claims that all blue-eyed people can be traced back to one ancestor who lived near the Black Sea some 10,000 years ago. Haha I just find it really interesting and cool:
Human beings had brown eyes until a single mutation in a gene called OCA2 arose by chance in one individual, Professor Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen said.
The mutation "turned off" the mechanism that produces brown melanin pigment and "diluted" brown eyes to blue.
Most likely occurring in the north-west part of the Black Sea between 6000 and 10,000 years ago, the gene was dispersed in the rapid waves of migration to northern Europe that followed the end of the last ice age.
Professor Eiberg said the finding, published in the journal Human Genetics, helped to explain why Europeans were far more likely to have blue eyes than any other ethnic grouping.
Europeans also had a far greater range of skin tones and hair colours living in the one community than the rest of the world, where people are almost uniformly dark-haired and dark-eyed.
The researchers examined mitochondrial DNA and compared the eye colour of blue-eyed people in countries as diverse as Jordan, Denmark and Turkey.
Variation in the eye colour from brown to green can all be explained by the amount of melanin in the iris, but blue-eyed individuals only have a small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes.
"They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA," the professor said.
"From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor."
Brown-eyed individuals, by contrast, have considerable individual variation in the area of their DNA that controls melanin production.
Film stars such as "old blue eyes" Frank Sinatra, Nicole Kidman, Paul Newman, Cameron Diaz, Cate Blanchett and Daniel Craig are famed for their dazzling blue eyes, while scientists Marie Curie and Stephen Hawking also shared the prized trait.
For more info go to:
Human beings had brown eyes until a single mutation in a gene called OCA2 arose by chance in one individual, Professor Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen said.
The mutation "turned off" the mechanism that produces brown melanin pigment and "diluted" brown eyes to blue.
Most likely occurring in the north-west part of the Black Sea between 6000 and 10,000 years ago, the gene was dispersed in the rapid waves of migration to northern Europe that followed the end of the last ice age.
Professor Eiberg said the finding, published in the journal Human Genetics, helped to explain why Europeans were far more likely to have blue eyes than any other ethnic grouping.
Europeans also had a far greater range of skin tones and hair colours living in the one community than the rest of the world, where people are almost uniformly dark-haired and dark-eyed.
The researchers examined mitochondrial DNA and compared the eye colour of blue-eyed people in countries as diverse as Jordan, Denmark and Turkey.
Variation in the eye colour from brown to green can all be explained by the amount of melanin in the iris, but blue-eyed individuals only have a small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes.
"They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA," the professor said.
"From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor."
Brown-eyed individuals, by contrast, have considerable individual variation in the area of their DNA that controls melanin production.
Film stars such as "old blue eyes" Frank Sinatra, Nicole Kidman, Paul Newman, Cameron Diaz, Cate Blanchett and Daniel Craig are famed for their dazzling blue eyes, while scientists Marie Curie and Stephen Hawking also shared the prized trait.
For more info go to:
Monday, February 4, 2008
Boredom strikes again
Here are two simple rules:
1) Copy and then Answer the questions, if you're tagged
2) Tag other blogger buddies! (as many as you want)
===So let's get to know each other a LITTLE better===
Tell me your real name
Yusof Fadli Bin Hj Sidek
Your nickname(s)
Suf, Soap, Kambing, Sup, Sup kambing, Sup tulang, and so on
Most weird name you were called
I dont know, maybe manwhore? haha
How about the most annoying?
Padeli (a modification of my second name) by my sis. haha ive to admit its quite funny tho lol
Your sex
Your sexuality
Your Birthdate
27th November 1990
Your sign
Your current location
Home sweet home
Tell us about your lineage
My dad's a Malay, has some javanese ancestors i think. My mom's a Chinese Hokkien.
Your ethinicity
Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?
College (soon-to-be) lol
What subjects or course are you taking?
Maths, Physics, Eco and TS
What's your occupation?
Student and everyone's clown
Do you drive?
Not really haha. soon though =)
Legally or illegally?
Do you smoke?
Never did, never will
What is/are your fear(s)?
God, losing someone I truly care for =)
Honestly, do you think you're attractive?
Ask someone else lol
Academically, im alright. Generally, im a tad clumsy i suppose lol
Yeah sort of =p
What is/are your most over-used expressions?
"baie" and "antam". Currently Im adding "cibai" to the list too haha
What about your most over-used pose?
I pose naturally =p
Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
Ten years?! I dont know, is Jessica Alba 10 years older than I am? haha kding, dont think so =) 5 years would be okay i think.
Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
Mid-long length wavy hair hahaha. And a sweet smile would'nt hurt :)
Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
The usual ones haha, smart, funny and caring =) A cute story-teller. Super party-girls turn me off btw haha.
Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
Hahaha now this I dont know. Some friends say I have nice pectorals lol! Non physical? Err..The ability to get along and interact with different kinds of people.
And also the ability to make people laugh, or at the very least, smile =D
Okay! DONE! Now list out the people you want to tag! - let 'em know if you want them to answer.
- Everyone I know, and if u dont have a blog, GET ONE hahaha=p
1) Copy and then Answer the questions, if you're tagged
2) Tag other blogger buddies! (as many as you want)
===So let's get to know each other a LITTLE better===
Tell me your real name
Yusof Fadli Bin Hj Sidek
Your nickname(s)
Suf, Soap, Kambing, Sup, Sup kambing, Sup tulang, and so on
Most weird name you were called
I dont know, maybe manwhore? haha
How about the most annoying?
Padeli (a modification of my second name) by my sis. haha ive to admit its quite funny tho lol
Your sex
Your sexuality
Your Birthdate
27th November 1990
Your sign
Your current location
Home sweet home
Tell us about your lineage
My dad's a Malay, has some javanese ancestors i think. My mom's a Chinese Hokkien.
Your ethinicity
Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?
College (soon-to-be) lol
What subjects or course are you taking?
Maths, Physics, Eco and TS
What's your occupation?
Student and everyone's clown
Do you drive?
Not really haha. soon though =)
Legally or illegally?
Do you smoke?
Never did, never will
What is/are your fear(s)?
God, losing someone I truly care for =)
Honestly, do you think you're attractive?
Ask someone else lol
Academically, im alright. Generally, im a tad clumsy i suppose lol
Yeah sort of =p
What is/are your most over-used expressions?
"baie" and "antam". Currently Im adding "cibai" to the list too haha
What about your most over-used pose?
I pose naturally =p
Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
Ten years?! I dont know, is Jessica Alba 10 years older than I am? haha kding, dont think so =) 5 years would be okay i think.
Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
Mid-long length wavy hair hahaha. And a sweet smile would'nt hurt :)
Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
The usual ones haha, smart, funny and caring =) A cute story-teller. Super party-girls turn me off btw haha.
Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
Hahaha now this I dont know. Some friends say I have nice pectorals lol! Non physical? Err..The ability to get along and interact with different kinds of people.
And also the ability to make people laugh, or at the very least, smile =D
Okay! DONE! Now list out the people you want to tag! - let 'em know if you want them to answer.
- Everyone I know, and if u dont have a blog, GET ONE hahaha=p
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