I have a
bloody mega humongous headache right now. My eyes feel so
hot that I wish I could just take a fork and
pluck them out of my eyesockets. Physically, I haven't been in hunky dory shape for a week now. Tests are
flying in, and so are the homeworks so obviously its not a good combination. And somehow, SOMEHOW
(only my stupidity can make this possible) I twisted my knee while going down the staircase a few hours ago. Very nice.
Jeng's going back on Saturday and Id feel really guilty if I won't be able to find any time to go out with him, at least once more. I know how he feels about how his holidays are going about so far...so I'll tell ya when Im free aite man? I went out with them Nadzri and Jeng last
Friday, and it was almost a carbon copy of the previous friday, only with more people this time. Oh and go to
'Wanna & Dhil's' link if you wish to see the pictures. I advice you not to though, since my only picture there makes me look like a retard with Nadzri's middle finger sticking up my nose.
It's going to be a
busy August for me I guess. End-of-years are fast approaching. There are about 5-6 weekends left until Ramadhan comes and lo and behold, 6 of my relatives are getting married in that time frame.
What is this?! Mating season? Im kidding alright.
Three of those getting married are my
first cousins and all of them literally live within shouting distance from my bedroom window.
A few days ago I played my piano (yes I'm a pussy) for the first time in a few months. Surprisingly (well not really), I only get the urge to play it when I'm feeling down. And I play it better that way (thats what they mean by, mesti ada 'feelingggg'). Currently working on a few songs after getting the music notes from the internet.
random post isnt it? I dont feel like the storyteller of yesteryears anymore. Im much more curled up and secretive nowadays. I just dont feel like talking and being a clown that often anymore due to....whatever. So Im actually thinking of deleting this blog, but I haven't talked about it with Nadzri yet.
Haha till then