Monday, May 5, 2008


Okay as of today, my attendance in MD is no longer 100%:/ haha I didn't skip school without a reason of course, was feeling terribly sick this morning. I slept from around 9-10 last night, and woke up at 10-11 earlier this morning. But between that, I think I woke up about a dozen times.

Im too lazy to type about everything that happened over the last few days. But the choir performance on saturday was, I think, pretty good =) And the bus ride was, so fun lol.
We were laughing all the way.

You should take a look at my cousin's blog, Hazim (find his link on the right hand side of this page). He posted a few videos from youtube, taken from the National Geographic Channel. Its something about global warming, and I tell you its worth watching, very interesting indeed. And downright scary. If you liked 'An Inconvenient Truth', you should like this as well =) So people, do your part in slowing down global warming. I'll do my part by farting less (yes methane is harmful to the environment lol).

I was gona post up some pictures here, but I'm feeling really tired now. Maybe ill post em up later yes? Im off to sleep now haha

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