Saturday, November 10, 2007

Facts that you don't learn in school

If you're bored (like I am right now) and ur itching to learn something new, interesting but rather useless facts, well hey u've come to the right place =D. These are some random facts of life:

- A three year old's voice is louder than two hundred adults in a crowded restaurant.

- A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

- The 'save' icon on Microsoft Word shows a floppy disk, with the shutter on backwards.

- Pinocchio is Italian for 'pine head'.

- Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.

- Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

- A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

- Your hearing is less sharp if you eat too much. (hahaha trust me its true =p)

- Between the ages of thirty and seventy, your nose may lengthen
 and widen by as much as a centimetre. (I wonder whether Michael Jackson knew this fact before he had his nosejob lol)

- Sharks never stop moving, even when they sleep.

- Apples are more efficient than caffeine at keeping people awake in the morning.

- The word 'checkmate' in chess comes from the Persian phrase 'shah mat', which means 'the king is dead'.

- The bones of a pigeon weigh less than its feathers.

Sorry if it's lame, im just veryyyyyy bored lol

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