And sorry that I havent been posting any entries lately. The combination of being busy and lazy lol.
I havent blogged about the graduation as well right? It was more of a concert rather than a graduation ceremony with people shouting entah dari mana hahaha. At the end of the ceremony, it was really really sad with people saying goodbye and hugging everywhere and groups were formed everywhere to take pictures. REALLY sad! i was especially touched to those teachers who nearly wept when they said their goodbyes to me =/ and owh thanks for everyone who lent their support to me for you-know-what on that day =D hahaha especially daus, that stinkin arse who yelled 'i love you' to me lol.
We're barely 2 weeks into our 3 month holiday and it feels like its been ages! It does feel weird not having to wake up grumbling in the morning to go to school to see your friends. I miss them already =/ and ill miss them even more. We have been going out and stuff but its only a small group of us, and it doesnt really re-create the school environment we're all used to so yeah hahaha.
I cant wait for Bianca's party as itll be sort of a mini reunion for some of us. I also have a reunion with my old primary classmates soon =) haha
Ill be headin to aussie for my vacation this sunday, so unless i have a convenient internet access, i wont be bloggin for quiet a while=p but ill promise you tons of pictures! Until then, I'll leave you with some pictures from my graduation ceremony, the practice session as well some more pictures of the 'last official school day', enjoy =D sorry if its too little btw, i was too busy enjoying the ceremony haha=p