I guess the highlight of my holiday is the fact that my 83 year old maternal grandmother a.k.a my mother's mother converted to Islam on Thursday =)
so yeah it was sort of crowded.
I had the self-appointed task of being the photographer but I was too busy to take lots of pictures haha. But I did take a lot of videos though. I was also one of those err...'penyambut tetamu' guys lol. And it's not fun being one when its raining outside, especially when you're holding a camera and an umbrella. And i ate like a pig that night, okay maybe im exaggerating.
I initially joined my cousins outside to eat the food provided by the catering. After I was done i went inside
Anyways it was all in all great fun. Im too lazy to type into details
so ill let the pictures do the talking yea?

That's the downside of being the 'photographer'. I dont even have a single picture of myself! Well i do, there's one, but its blur. Haha my cousin borrowed the camera and tried to take a candid picture of me=p
Well until then :)