I MISS school. I miss my friends, especially my classmates. I miss hanging around with them! I miss wearing the school uniform which makes me look a good 5kg heavier. I miss bullying the teachers! haha and having a good laugh about it (dont get the wrong picture, i respect them as well =)). I miss all the laughter and the occasional total silence of the class. I miss the boring conversations that I have with the guys regarding footie results every Monday morning..and having to belanja Cigu Husaini everytime Liverpool kicks Manutd's ass. I miss cracking up some lame jokes. and i miss that certain someone..
I remember my first day in secondary school, thinking of how the next 5 years would turn out. And now here I am, reminiscing how awesome those 5 years were, especially the last 2 years.
Reason? I had the most awesome classmates anyone could ask for =) They taught me stuffs that no bloody textbook can teach! They were just like a second family to me. Our hectic schedule also meant that we spent more time around each other than our own families. I used to complain how tired I used to get because of school,
and I hate to admit this but I miss all those work dumped on us.

To all my friends (okay fine and teachers too) in that school, damn you guys were certainly an experience of a lifetime! Im sorry for any wrongdoings or if i had offended you guys in any way alright? And id like to say a BIG THANKS for everything!